On Fri, 28 Jan 2011 13:23:06 +0100
fons@email-addr-hidden wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 01:40:00AM -0500, Michal Seta wrote:
> > A friend of mine would like to record some impulse response of
> > various spaces. I don't know the details nor the ultimate goal of
> > this undertaking but the problem was about the bst equipment for
> > such recordings. I know a loud signal is needed (she has a starter
> > gun for that purpose) but unclear about what kind of microphones
> > should be used. Any tips? Ideas? experiences?
> Starter guns, electric sparks, exploding balloons or preservatives,
> etc. are not the best way to do this. You get a much more accurate
> result and a much better S/N ratio using a sine sweep and
> deconvolution instead. Aliki (available on my website) can do this.
> See <http://www.kokkinizita.net/papers/aliki.pdf> for an introduction.
> The actual application does not have all the features explained in
> the paper but it will do the basic IR measurement.
question: why the amp/speakers don't have to be high quality
flat-response monitors (as I think Julien is saying), but the mic does?
Also, do mic vendors offer files with the frequency response of the mic
so one can "multiply the inverse of it" with the spectrum of the
signal recorded with said mic, taking mic charateristics out of the
equation (at least theoretically)?
Sorry if I'm baffling and confused, still trying to get a grip of this
IR - frequency response thing.
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