On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 05:15:52PM +0000, Chris Cannam wrote:
> On 16 February 2011 17:05, Ken Restivo <ken@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> > The font is whatever is the default if you don't have KDE installed (I don't). I don't know of any way to change it.
> Try qtconfig (or qtconfig-qt4). There's no KDE dependency involved any more.
> ... oh, but hang on a minute -- is that RG 1.7.x? In that case there
> is a KDE dependency, and I have to admit I've quite forgotten how
> you'd change the font without it.
> Might be worth trying a newer RG as another option.
I might. Though, I finally figured out I can edit a ~/.kde/share/config/kdeglobals file to change font size! With that, plus the ability to resize dialogs, I can indeed now use Rosegarden on my EEE.
Now I just need to figure out how to get Rosegarden to use the saved toolbar settings (and keyboard shortcuts) that I keep saving, but it keeps ignoring.
Thanks again for your help!
> > The WM is ion3, which tiles windows. I guess it's doing with the dialog whatever it was told to do.
> Never really occurred to me, when thinking about tiling window
> managers (which I've never used) that one would ever want to tile
> dialogs. Interesting.
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Received on Thu Feb 17 08:15:01 2011
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