Re: [LAU] Jack fallback to alsa when firefire device off?

From: david <gnome@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Feb 18 2011 - 08:50:35 EET

Dan Capp wrote:
> Thanks Robin. It’s just good to know whether it is or isn’t worth chasing.
> I don’t really want to mess about making this happen if it’s new
> territory. As a Linux-beginner I stand no chance of achieving what
> experts haven’t already achieved.
> However, what you said here is interesting:
>> Why don't you use JACK _only_ for the firewire device? and configure
>> your music-player to use ALSA (or pulseaudio) on the built-in card?”
> Why not indeed! Maybe that’s what my problem boils down to – KXStudio’s
> achievement of routing all audio through Jack2 is widely-celebrated, but
> perhaps it’s not suitable for a user of my particular requirements. I
> wonder whether it’s worth staying with KXStudio if I’m going to do as
> you suggest above (I’m also having problems with my Wacom graphics
> tablet) or whether there are other benefits of KXStudio that make it
> worth sticking by (it sure looks slick). Perhaps I should install
> Kubuntu, then add the realtime kernel, FFADO and those audio/graphics
> programs necessary for what I do. Opinions?

That's one way. Or I guess install Fedora and add the CCRM repositories.
Or try something like ArtistX, Musix, or one of the :Dyne derivatives
and see how they work. Musix' may not have the most current program
versions, but it is a slickly-done music-focussed distro. I like ArtistX
on my little music laptop, and it includes creative tools for graphics,
video, etc.

I tried KXStudio, but it wouldn't run on my music laptop. Hardware too
old, I guess!

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Received on Fri Feb 18 12:15:01 2011

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