Thanks for your feedback Paul!
I knew when creating this video that there was no way I could please
everyone and it would be at least twice as long if I'd attempted to be
anything near comprehensive so the best I could do was to please
myself with a semi-improv, most-of-the-basics monolith. If there was a
good vid about JACK then I'm sure you'd know of it so I'm glad I
included all the 'Intro to Linux Audio' preamble.
A notable omission from my vid was the revision of A3 I used which was
9170. I really wanted to cover regions better but that still has
issues in alpha3 so I had to drop it. If I re-did it I'd also cover
looping but thats pretty easy to work out anyway so its not one I'm
losing sleep over. I just couldn't wait any longer to make the video
and I'd encourage more people to upload their vids to as
it supports HTML5 video and ogg, as those of you who have watched my
vid will have likely noticed.
One important thing I did learn making this video is that KDEnlive is
a beautiful piece of software now - I bet many Windows users would be
very jealous if they knew what a great free video editor we have now-
theres nothing that good for free under Windows. All I ask is JACK
support and full-screen previewing and I'm there. I really enjoy using
it and the whole process of creating the video made me realise just
how far Linux multimedia production has advanced in the last 12
On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 1:00 AM, Paul Davis <paul@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 7:55 PM, allcoms <allcoms@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>> Have you got to watch it yet Paul?
> yes. i agree with most of the observations about length & subject matter.
> i suspect that this sort of thing might best be done as a series of
> very short videos rather than one long one. i don't know of any
> particularly good video intros to JACK.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Tue Mar 29 00:15:01 2011
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