J> I just recently discovered ceres3:
J> http://www.music.columbia.edu/~stanko/About_Ceres3.html have you
J> heard of it?
Definitely. Ceres started its life on the SGIs sometime after 1990,
with various ports for various platforms following. The ongoing
development of Ceres (and some other things) at NOTAM can be looked up
Btw, Henrik Sundt at NOTAM has been working for some time with 'swash' -
a program which does lots of spectral-domain work in sounds, amongst
other things removing noise intelligently. It does some really
brilliant work.
Try email him at <hsundt@email-addr-hidden> for more info, and perhaps a
version to try out.
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Received on Mon May 2 16:15:03 2011
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