Hi everyone,
This is a small update to aj-snapshot.
Aj-snapshot is a small command-line utility that can be used
to store/restore ALSA and JACK connections to/from an XML file.
This release fixes a small and a big bug:
- Correction to the license headers which referred to the wrong program...
(copy/paste error)
- Make the -i flag ignore clients in both directions.
(in the previous release, only connections FROM the ignored clients were ignored)
The website:
Git repository:
git clone git://aj-snapshot.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/aj-snapshot/aj-snapshot
Please report bugs on the sourceforge project page (don't be shy ;-)
You will find direct links for bug reports or feature requests on the
main website.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Thu May 5 04:15:02 2011
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