On Fri, May 06, 2011 at 01:36:24AM +0200, Julien Claassen wrote:
> Hello!
> I started programming, but come up against a question. There my
> stupidty and practical inexperience comes in.
> How to send a reply to say a #documentation request? And do I use
> the format as specified in the osc-query-system papaer:
> #reply (ss) /path/requested, "this is documentation"
> Or do I need to quote the path as well?
> Kind regards
> Julien
int lo_send (lo_address targ, const char *path, const char *type,...)
So path would be "#reply", type would indicate the types of the arguments
that will follow e.g. "ss", and then the args would come e.g. "/path/requested" and
"Documentation string". The original path with which the request was made
(and which you got in the method_handler) should always be the first argument
to the reply you send out again. The path #reply itself is also a normal string
I think, since it is a char*.
That's what I think...
Hope it helps.
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Received on Fri May 6 20:15:02 2011
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