Re: [LAU] FFADO on LMDE 201012 (aka Squeeze) - possible?

From: Jeremy Jongepier <jeremy@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue May 10 2011 - 15:58:40 EEST

On 05/10/2011 02:38 PM, Artem Vakhitov wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to run FFADO on LMDE 201012 which is basically Debian
> Squeeze. I'm using the the following packaged software versions:
> FFADO: 2.0.1
> libraw1394: 2.0.5
> Kernel: 2.6.37 (Liquorix) or 2.6.32 (stock)
> FFADO dbus server won't start citing no Firewire devices being found.
> FFADO diagnostics tool tells me that I have the new Firewire stack which
> is incompatible with FFADO. The thing is though, FFADO website says
> ( that it should work with the software
> versions I have:
> ---Start quote
> The last weeks have seen a few rumors and lots of questions: Is ffado
> running with the new firewire stack?
> The answer is kind of yes.
> What you need is libraw1394 in version 2.0.5 or higher. And kernel
> 2.6.32 or higher. Then ffado (both the 2.0 branch and development trunk)
> should be usable on the new juju stack. Thanks to the team of the
> kernel-stack and some distributions for stepping up and (mostly) fix the
> kernel and libraw1394 for this. The changes to ffado where quite minimal.
> ---End quote
> So has anyone managed to get FFADO running under LMDE/Squeeze?
> Regards,
> Artem Vakhitov

Hello Artem,

What kind of FireWire device is this about? And could you post the
outcome of the *ffado-diag* command?


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Received on Tue May 10 16:15:03 2011

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