On 11/05/11 23:43, Robin Paulson wrote:
> On 12 May 2011 04:01, andy baxter<andy@email-addr-hidden-online.co.uk> wrote:
>> I did the talk on 'A position sensing MIDI percussion interface' at LAC at
>> the weekend. A few people asked me afterwards if they could have more
>> information about it, including construction details, so I'm just posting a
>> link to the page on my website about it:
>> http://highfellow.org/synpad
>> There are links here to an instructables.com article about how to build one,
>> the original youtube demo video, and the latest software release which I
>> used for the talk.
>> Hope people find this useful,
> this is fantastic andy, thanks very much for posting it. and for designing it
Cheers! Glad it's appreciated. :-)
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Received on Thu May 12 20:15:02 2011
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