On Wed, 25 May 2011 16:01:42 +0200
Goran Mekić <meka@lugons.org> wrote:
> Using jsampler, if I click on "Edit" button on any instrument, I get the "Starting an instrument editor: There is no instrument editor capable to handle this instrument" message. If I start linuxsampler in terminal, i see "Registered instrument editors: 'gigedit'" message. Anyone knows what I'm doing wrong? Thanx!
I've found out that first LSCP command in every .lscp is RESET, which couses LinuxSampler to unload all editor plugins (why?). Current workaround for this is to comment it in .lscp and empty LinuxSampler before loading new .lscp. Weird.
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Received on Thu May 26 12:15:01 2011
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