first of all, I know that it looks like an Ardour-specific question, but
it's not. Not fully, at least :-)
I'd like to publish the music I make not only in MP3, but also in a way
that anyone can download and modify it at will. Ideally, there would be some
kind of "bundle export" in Ardour that I could use to create an archive that
included all the audio files and the metadata of the project. But I've
searched and didn't find anything similar. Does it exist?
And if it doesn't, what could I use as a substitute? I figured I could
export all the audio in FLAC, and I could share the Hydrogen file for the
drums, but what about the effects, and the automation? I don't think the
"Right Way" is to export audio with effects applied, because (IMHO) part of
the fun is applying effects that weren't in the original mix. But I'm a
complete newbie in this field, and I don't know if it's how people usually
do it.
Thanks in advance.
-- Roberto Suárez Soto
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Thu May 26 12:15:02 2011
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