On 05/29/2011 02:56 PM, Oon-Ee Ng wrote:
> On Sun, May 29, 2011 at 8:17 PM, Ralf Mardorf
> <ralf.mardorf@email-addr-hidden-dsl.net> wrote:
>> On Sun, 2011-05-29 at 13:19 +0200, Robin Gareus wrote:
>>> On 05/29/2011 12:55 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>>>> I've got a absolutely stable and MIDI jitter free Ubuntu MIDI and audio
>>>> worksattion, regarding to audio apps, but it was very time consuming to
>>>> set it up
>>> Do make a backup of the current setup!! That may come in handy.
>> When there was no MIDI jitter for hw midi, this was the first thing I
>> did. In general I'm making backups very often and I don't sync one
>> backup archive, I always make completely new backups and keep at least
>> the last two backups.
>>> All of your preferences will be met by debian. Pulseaudio is optional
>>> and the debian-multimedia team are on the forefront when it comes to
>>> pro-audio packages.
>>> Also note that OpenDAW (64studio's successor in the making) is based on
>>> debian/squeeze.
>> http://lists.64studio.com/pipermail/64studio-users/2011-February/004657.html
>> http://lists.64studio.com/pipermail/64studio-users/2011-February/004661.html
>> ;)
>> A while ago I tidied up my HDDs and removed most installs.
>> I kept Suse 11.2 and Ubuntu Maverick only.
>> Then I installed Natty.
>> I'll keep those and additionally install Debian, I hope that Debian
>> stable isn't outdated, http://packages.debian.org/stable/ ...
>> If it shouldn't be outdated, I'll install it and stop setting up Natty
>> immediately.
>> Thanks a lot,
>> Ralf
> Debian stable is just about the most outdated working Linux system you
> can have =). This is great for stability (as the name implies), but
> don't expect to see some new software for maybe up to a year or 2.
A /stable/ system in a studio or on stage is a good thing! YMMV.
But outdated packages is not true [any more]. e.g. debian/stable offers
ardour-2.8.11 (the current release), IOhannes is personally pushing Pd
to debian/git and you already find the latest LV2/lilv/SUIL/.. in sid.
need to list more?
For a desktop/devel system you can run a mixed stable/testing/sid by
just adding them to /etc/apt/sources.list (either manually or with your
favorite package manager - here are the files I use:
> If
> you really have to have the latest there'll be stability sacrifices to
> make, but something like Arch (which I use) is great. More maintenance
> needed though, especially if you update close to daily. Once you've
> got a good system going it makes sense to only update when you don't
> have a big project coming up.
Full ack on Arch. It's a fine distro. just a matter of taste and
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