> No! No chroot! FWIW in the past I build wineasio on 64-bit 64 Studio
> without issues and e.g. Reaper did run, but wineasio does cause much to
> much jitter. I don't need any Windows software, excepted the software to
> set up the KORG NANOCONTROL.
> Has somebody used the KORG NANOCONTROL software on wine on a 64-bit
> Linux?
I don't know about NANOCONTROL but each of the occasional times I have wanted to
use wine the required dlls were only available 32bit, so I rebooted in a 32bit
system to use it. (no, I didn't chroot, just a reboot for those rare tasks)
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Received on Tue May 31 20:15:03 2011
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