Re: [LAU] [ANN] Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard 0.4.0 released

From: Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas <pedro.lopez.cabanillas@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Jun 08 2011 - 23:46:39 EEST

On Tuesday 07 June 2011, Ralf Mattes wrote:
> Wow, thank's - finally JackMidi.

Don't thank me for that, but to Gary P. Scavone (author of RtMIDI) and Alexander Svetalkin who wrote the jack MIDI support. I've only briefly tested that can be built and doesn't crash, but I don't use it for anything. Sorry if it doesn't fulfill all your expectations.

> Just a question: what's the state of the vpiano qt-widget library? Is this
> still maintained and does it follow vmpk? Is there a public repository to track?

The piano widget is included inside the VMPK source package and SVN repository, and the latest version corresponds to VMPK-0.4.0, so you can pick it from there instead of the latest standalone Qt Designer plugin.

I've not published the latest widget as a standalone package and Qt Designer plugin because it is not used by any other developer besides me. I don't need it as a standalone package, and my other projects using it (kmid2 and drumstick) have different release cycles and requirements.

Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Thu Jun 9 00:15:03 2011

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