[LAU] Ardour2 session doesn't find the regions

From: lorenzo cecchi <cecchilorenzo@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Jun 16 2011 - 19:41:33 EEST

Hi all,
as i wrote in the object i have a problem with Ardour 2.8.11 (on Ubuntu
It suddenly doesn't recognize the regions of my project (it happens
reopening a session closed without problems yesterday)

The log:
*[WARNING]: A sound file is missing. It will be replaced by silence.*
*[ERROR]: Filesource: cannot find required file (kick out-1.wav)*

and so on for all the regions and the audiofiles.

In the interchange folder i still have all the audiofiles, and i can hear
them with a player, but when i try to drag them into the ardour project it

*SndFileSource: cannot open file "/home/lore/Desktop/stage/Krisp/edit" for
reading (File contains data in an unknown format.)*
*[ERROR]: could not open *
*/home/lore/Desktop/stage/.... /gtr_exogino_solo_4_0_bounce_5.wav*

I've tried to change the name of the regions, but with the same result.
then i try to put that audiofiles in a new session and it gave me no
problems in importing, so the problem comes only in the native project.

Has anyone an idea about that or have had the same problem?
thank you in advance for answering!

ps. i don't know if it is exactly the right place to post this question, i
even wrote it on ardour forum..


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Received on Thu Jun 16 20:15:03 2011

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