Re: [LAU] Creative Labs SoundBlaster 16 PCI sequencer problems

From: Scott Webster Wood <treii28@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Jun 24 2011 - 17:22:54 EEST

Yeah, I fired up the alsa mixer with a couple of different guis just to be sure (aumix from a terminal window, alsamixer in X and gnome&#39;s version of same) and dinkered with every one of the sliders and toggles, but didn&#39;t have any luck. There was an &#39;aux&#39; that I thought might be in and a lot of the boxes were checked &#39;off&#39; by default but none of them said anything even close to wavetable or synth.  Unfortunately I don&#39;t have a winblows install on that box to fire it up with the OEM drivers.  ---- Barack-O-phobia: The fear of politicians who think (more) government is the solution to every problem. ________________________________ From: Cedric Roux &lt;sed@email-addr-hidden&gt; To: Scott Webster Wood &lt;treii28@email-addr-hidden&gt; Cc: linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden Sent: Friday, June 24, 2011 10:19 AM Subject: Re: [LAU] Creative Labs SoundBlaster 16 PCI sequencer problems ----- &quot;Scott Webster Wood&quot; &lt;treii28@email-addr-hidden&gt; wrote: &gt; # aplaymidi -p 128:0 sample.mid # this works &gt; # aplaymidi -p 16:0 sample.mid # this acts like it&#39;s doing something &gt; # but no sound comes out volume up maybe? it&#39;s a different control than pcm as far as I remember. try with alsamixer. Maybe...

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Received on Fri Jun 24 20:15:02 2011

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