Re: [LAU] wicked drum fills with Hydrogen

From: <pshirkey@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Jun 28 2011 - 12:28:34 EEST

> ----- "Ken Restivo" <ken@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>> Depends on what you mean by "wicked, but I did this in Hydrogen,
>> played it for a drummer, and he laughed, and said, "That's ridiculous!
>> No human drummer would ever play that!"
> Why? what is the reason? technically impossible (like playing five notes
> at
> the same time)? too fast? Some metal/punk drummers throw more content per
> unit of time. In the "extreme" genres it's quite common.

I agree. I know drummers who can play like that.

BTW Ken, Nice live sound considering it was sequenced. I like the feel of
that track. Reminds me of being in a bar with a killer band just getting
underway. Speaks of good things to come. I hope you do more in that
direction. Would be a nice progression from your syncopated ouvre.


Patrick Shirkey
Boost HArdware Ltd
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Tue Jun 28 16:15:01 2011

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