>Example: I'm comfortable using Cairo, and if somebody hands me a
>Gtk::DrawingArea, I'll throw a Synth UI together without too much pain. With
>that in mind, I've never written a LV2 plugin, and for me to write a synth
>engine would be a case of "challenge" > "dev". To get the job done right in
>as little time, I'd need to work together with somebody who knows LV2 dsp
>stuff well, but not much Cairo.
>I'm interested in opinions from community to see if it is plausible /
>possible / other to collaborate (more than we already are)?
>Cheers, -Harry
Well, speaking of which, I'm working on porting the AlsaModularMix
internal modules to LV2 plugins.
Progress is very slow (didn't realise how rusty my C/C++ is) and
although after studying a lot the AMS code and knowing what the
different modules do I have a fair understanding of the code, I
wouldn't call myself an expert on LV2 DSP stuff...
But I would defo need some help for the GUI bits!
>PS: I concidered moving to a new topic.. but then thought nah :)
Myeah....Think it digressed anyway!
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