Re: [LAU] Linux/Musix/Debian on a UMPC

From: <nicola.di.marzo@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Sep 18 2011 - 19:27:20 EEST

Wow Musix 3 with Debian & xfce would be amazing !

Il 15/09/2011 22:06, fred ha scritto:
> Le 15/09/2011 21:03, david a �crit :
>> My existing musicbox (running an older versin of ArtistX) uses LXDE.
>> My server (running Aptosid) uses XFCE. My personal laptop is still
>> running KDE3. I've noticed that a number of KDE4 and GNOME3 have
>> become quite hefty, and music distros seem to be dropping them.
> Maybe, hum, Linux is a reflect of the society we are living in : more
> and more for the eye candy, less to peoples' needs ?
>> Carlos sanchiavedraz wrote:
>>> We have those already, forget to say, but we have to configure the
>>> Musix menu on them yet. But I think we will include them, most of
>>> all if there's some interest as I see :).
>>> 2011/9/15 david <gnome@email-addr-hidden>
>>> Please add XFCE and LXDE as lighter desktop environments, too.
>>> (Although I do like OpenBox.) KDE4 can be a hefty load to have on a
>>> music distro.
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