[LAU] lowest usable latency from a USB 1 device?

From: Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mardorf@email-addr-hidden-dsl.net>
Date: Tue Sep 20 2011 - 21:14:16 EEST

Regarding to the price, pardon, but are you serious? > 300 US$!?

For my PC it's no problem to go over 10m for USB 2.

For what usage are you thinking about "up to 100 m (328 ft.)"?

C'mon ;). Nice question, anyway, I suspect that this never ever will
work for any kind of live performance. Your flat is that large? Helge
Schneider cut his ermine cape when the Ferrari catch it, while he was in
a hurry, running through his flat.

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Received on Wed Sep 21 00:15:01 2011

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