On 05/10/2011 10:17, Fons Adriaensen wrote:
> Absolutely OT, but of interest to all concerned about freedom
> of information:
This is so depressing.
> As of today, consulting the Italian Wikipedia will redirect
> you to the Italian version of this page:
> <http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Comunicato_4_ottobre_2011/en>
Very good move by Wikipedia. Hopefully all of those ignorant, arrogant,
greasy portaborse [1], so-called journalist et. sim. will get into panic
mode as they cannot find any more cut-n-paste material...
> To put this in context, the law proposal referrred to is just
> the latest attempt by the government to silence all voices
> reporting on the many scandals that its leader, Silvio
> Berlusconi, is involved in, ranging from corruption of judges
> and witnesses to using the services of under-age prostitutes.
> Greetings from Berlusconistan,
> P.S.: Happy birthday Rui !
[1] http://translate.google.com/#it|en|portaborse
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