On Wed, 5 Oct 2011 13:24:08 -0400
"S. Massy" <lists@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> This is plain daft. Apart from the obvious... I mean, do they think so
> little of their own people that they assume such crude methods would
> prevent them from discussing matters?
They don't assume, they know. This is just the most recent of these
filthy laws: Berlusconi and his comrades have been constantly putting
out similar crap for the past 20 years, and most of the time nothing
stopped them. There *has* allways been a large discontent (growing as of
lately), but their arrogant and aggresive strategy of keeping a straight
face, no matter how much their talk stinks, has allways won the favour
of the majority. They just know it works, and having no dignity or
sense of decency, they'll keep doing it 'till someone literally kicks
them out.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Thu Oct 6 00:15:01 2011
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