From the ffado site (for those playing along at home):
After far too many delays (both technical and logistical,for which I
> apologise), practical progress has finally been made on the FFADO RME
> driver.
> In short, the driver is now ready for wider testing, although there are
> some important limitations and cautions to keep in mind before proceeding. Read
> more <> for the details.
> - If a non-zero verbose level is selected using the "-v" option, a 0
> dBFS 1 kHz sine wave will be output on the left phones channel. This is to
> facilitate debugging of audio timing. *If you have headphones or
> monitors connected to the phones output, please do not activate verbose
> debug mode without taking appropriate precautions*.
> - The level produced from the phones (aka monitor) output is very high
> from this device and the front panel "ph" level control does not affect the
> level being sent by the computer. *Use headphones with extreme caution
> to prevent inadvertent hearing damage*, especially during initial
> testing and/or if no software volume control is in operation.
> - You will need the latest subversion snapshot of FFADO.
> - Ffado-mixer support is still rather limited and contains only a small
> number of controls (now the streaming system seems to be working I expect to
> expand this soon). In particular there is no user access to the onboard
> mixer controls: however, ffado sets these to a 1-1 mapping which should do
> for testing.
> - Meaningful testing is probably limited to the Fireface400 for the
> moment since that is the interface I have been testing with. I will test
> with with a FF800 in due course - most likely after I've got a more complete
> ffado-mixer working for the ff400. In the meantime, it is almost certain
> that the driver will not run with a FF800 yet.
> - I've been testing exclusively with jack1 and the old kernel firewire
> stack. In theory jack2 should work just as well, but I have seen reports
> over the last couple of weeks which suggests that there may be a problem
> with ffado in the latest jack2. YMMV. Similarly the new kernel stack should
> work but I have not personally tried this yet.
> To provide feedback on your experiences please subscribe to ffado-devel and
> post your findings there initially. If extended discussion is required we
> can take things off-list if appropriate.
> My testing to date has been mostly with 48k and 44.1k rates. I have fired
> 96k and 192k up and had them work for short periods of time so hopefully
> that's a good sign. Finally, for initial tests it is probably wise to stick
> with fairly large latencies: I've been using "-p 1024" and "-n 4" options
> when starting ffado via jackd.
I'm assuming that all of these issues still stand ^^.
I'm curious about one thing, however. What does this statement mean,
In particular there is no user access to the onboard mixer controls:
> however, ffado sets these to a 1-1 mapping which should do for testing.
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Received on Wed, 5 Oct 2011 21:04:05 -0700
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