> On 11/10/2011 23:35, S. Massy wrote:
> It has always struck me how well you can tell compressed files by
> listening to applause (especially the kind of applause you get at a talk
> or classical music concert).
> My personal experience is that classical and electroacoustic music are
> much more susceptible to compression artefacts than 'mainstream' music.
I heard an interview a month or two back with one of the developers of the
MP3 format. He said that the real litmus test for them was the acappella
version of "Tom's Diner" by Suzanne Vega. Every time they thought they had
problems with artifacting licked, they'd try to encode that song. It was
only when they encoded that acceptably that they felt they were successful.
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Received on Wed Oct 12 20:15:01 2011
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