On 14/10/11 8:45 PM, Aurélien Leblond wrote:
>>> Thanks for pointing out your guide Leigh - I'd not seen that. I think
>>> I'll have to have another go with LS to triple check it still irritates
>>> the hell out of me for at least the following reasons:
>>> 1 - Its not in the repos of most distros due to licensing probs
>>> 2 - Its a bitch to compile
>> Can't really disagree with either of those :) I do wish it was easier to
>> install -- I hope some good unofficial repositories show up once there's
>> a new stable release out.
> I don't know what distrib you are using, but linuxsampler and qsampler
> are compiled in my launchpad repository:
> https://launchpad.net/~blablack/+archive/music-prod
> It's the latest SVN version...
Awesome :) I'm on oneiric here, so I'll keep your PPA in mind if I need
to reinstall LinuxSampler.
>>> 3 - I never got qsampler to work
>> I've never had much luck with it either, though apparently the version
>> in svn now works better, and has some SFZ support.
> Been using it for the past 2 years with GIG libraries and never had
> any problem...
> What are the issues you are referring to?
I remember having trouble loading SFZ files with it, but that was a long
time ago; I haven't actually checked up on it for a while myself,
because I've been happy enough with Fantasia.
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Received on Fri Oct 14 16:15:01 2011
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