Has anyone compiled Maarten de Boer's "polarbear" on recent compilers?
I just downloaded polarbear-0.5.3 from
http://www.resorama.com/maarten/files/polarbear-0.5.3.tgz. While
compiling it complains about some things i beleive are related to the
version of the compiler. Hacking it slightly, the app seems to run ok,
adressing jack correctly.
Ive got some questions about the edit-menu - select, cut, copy... - but
am unsure whether ive got a fully functional copy up, and dont know how
they are meant to behave.
Maarten de Boer, maybe you are out there?
Polarbear functions similarly to a sorely missed app from the old
NeXT's, an interactive z-plane editor (ive forgotten the name, but i
beleive it was setup by someone at ccrma) where coefficients were made
available in the clipboard after manipulating the filter in the gui.
Maybe there are other similar tools around?
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