2011/10/24 Julien Claassen <julien@email-addr-hidden>
> Hello Raffaele!
> As I think you've just found there's gtklick, which is klick's GUI. It's
> written in Python. If you don't find it in te Debian archives, then download
> the source package. It's easy to build, so you should manage. The GUI is
> written in Python and relies - I think - on GTK (Gnome). From what I've seen
> of that code, it looks very straight forward.
gtklick it's in debian archives but it doesn't show up with any of the
aptitude search ~dmetronome
aptitude search ~dclick
it does with:
aptitude search ~dklick
and "klick" it's not the keyword an end user would think of when searching
for a metronome
> Why don't you use LinuxSampler (qsampler or jsampler) plus the Salamander
> or the Maestro Grand piano, which are available for free download from the
> linuxsampler.org website. They sound very good, especially for free
> gigasamples and so are probably more enjoyable for a piano player.
> Kind regards
I'll have a try :)
> Julien
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Received on Mon Oct 24 16:15:02 2011
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