mark hadman wrote:
> AMS looks like the answer to my dreams, except that I've never been
> able to get it working - 3 different machines, 3 years, 3 different
> distros (all numbers approximate), it segfaults within about 5 minutes
> of playing around. Currently trying to get version 2.0.1 it working on
> Arch64 (AMD) with jack. First VCO appears OK. Second VCO causes a
> segfault, and a scope causes a freeze-up.
> SO the question is - does anybody have a different experience to me?
Have used it occasionally for several years now, on 2-3 different
distros, and it's worked fine. I've used v1.8.8 (Debian Lenny) mostly,
but I just tried v2.0.1-5 from Aptodsid (Debian Sid) and it worked fine.
> Fons describes it as 'incredibly versatile', which suggests he managed
> to get it to run for longer than 5 minutes without crashing, but is it
> actually usable for anything? If so, maybe I'll try again next year
> with a different machine and a different distro...
It is incredibly versatile, always seems to me like the ultimate Moog. ;-)
-- David gnome@email-addr-hidden authenticity, honesty, community _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden on Thu Dec 1 12:15:01 2011
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