Am 09.12.2011 03:26, schrieb Giorgio - Audiophilo:
>> tech question : can you tell us a bit more about your workflow?
First of all: Thanks a lot for your story!
> First of all i'd like to start from a consideration: there's a big work to
> do before recording, even before placing microphones. You must have a clear
> view of the final result before starting with any operation IMHO.
> For this work i started listening to the demos and picturing in my mind the
> sound of this band, then i talked to the guys, change some song structure
> and arrangements.
> After this:
> because it's well known that Ardour gets slow (and sometimes crashes) when
> working with many many regions.
With aprox. how many regions do you encounter such troubles? I only feel
Ardour slow down a bit if I use considerable more than 40 Tracks and
lots of plug-ins. And I do not get crashes that I could relate to the
fact how big a project is.
I do not work with multiple play-lists per track though...
> Reamp
> Once i had the "perfect" guitars and bass takes, i sent the signals out
> from my sound card to a reamp box (i use this one
> and then to some amps. I recorded
> them in order to have the bass amp sound summed to the direct one and to
> have "bigger" guitars obtained with different amp sounds mixed together.
Sweet :-) Did you also try reamping with Guitarix and/or Rackarrakk?
> Drums Replacing
> I did some drums replacing on the bass drum and the snare using
> ladspa-trigger.
> Synths
> Once the midi parts were well defined i sent them to soft (Yoshimi,
> Nekobee, amsynth for example) and hard synths (i had this Yamaha digital
> piano a Korg 01WFD and a Roland jp 8000) and recorded them into the Ardour
> session.
> Mix
> I mixed all the tracks together using many ladspa and lv2 plugins like
> Invada, Calf and others.
> Mastering
> I exported groups of tracks from the mixing sessions and imported them into
> a new one, then i used some soft eq and external compressor.
> and also the pitfalls you encounter when using linux apps (like this app is
>> great, but when you do this/that it crashes or does weird stuff or starts
>> to 'suck real bad'
> Except for the Ardour issue explained above i didn't encounter many weird
> things.
> Hope this can be exaustive enough.
Thanks again! Such infos are most valuable.
best regards
> Cheers
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