On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 11:50:53AM +0100, Raffaele Morelli wrote:
>> On 12/16/2011 10:27 AM, Ali Polatel wrote:
>> > Hello,
>> >
>> > I and a couple of friends have decided to set up an amateur internet
>> > radio. We have a relatively small budget thus we want to go step by step.
>> > What we've thought so far is to have a devoted box with all the music
>> > archived. Ideally we want to make the interface very simple for DJs to
>> > use, even if this means increasing the maintenance cost of the system
>> > administrator. They should be able to grab a microphone and use a
>> > portable interface (yes, some DJs may be using windows) to choose music,
>> > play and start talking right away.
>> >
>> > The devoted box will be running Linux and I plan to administer the
>> > system. I have relatively good knowledge on Linux systems and
>> > programming in general. I want the system to be flexible, be it at the
>> > cost of difficulties in configuration or deployment.
>> >
>> > Please advice and share your experiences.
>on the server side I am currently using shoutcast on a debian wheezy box,
>on the client side we are using Internet DJ Console (IDJC) as source for
>IDJC is jack compliant and it is very easy to setup but it does not run on
It looks like it does not compile with the new ffmpeg either but I can
figure that out :) Thanks, looks like a very nice application.
>More complex setups can involve the using of Jamin through the IDJC dsp
>in/out ports and/or VoIP features (skype, google-talk).
>The former is quite straightforward if you are used to Qjackctl UI, the
>latter requires some additional work and understanding how alsa loop
>devices and jack pcm plugins work which is very well documented on
I have actually read that page two/three days ago to set up google-talk
with Jack on my laptop, it works like charm!
>Of course you can use any other alsa app to redirect audio signals to IDJC.
>eg. you can use ardour tracks to process DJ microphones input signals (add
>compression, eq, reverbs) and the route tracks outs to IDJC mic inputs.
Nice to know we are limited by our imagination. I can't ignore windows
though so I'll need to figure out an application for DJs with windows
boxes can use.
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