Re: [LAU] rosegarden 1 system 0

From: gene heskett <gheskett@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat Dec 17 2011 - 12:08:04 EET

On Saturday, December 17, 2011 04:59:02 AM Folderol did opine:

> I wonder if this is something really stupid like faulty memory, and it's
> only that combination of hardware/software this hits the dodgy bits?
Not impossible, its been several months since I last booted into memtest,
which found nothing in about 7 full passes.

> This happened to me a while ago. Took me ages to work it out, especially
> as memtest seemed to show no problems.
> As a matter of interest I have a 2496 card working on a dual core athlon
> under an audio-fied debian squeeze. I use the MIDI and audio I/O and
> also a USB MIDI unit. On the audio side, I have a total of 3 hardware
> synths, a guitar and mic (into a little analogue mixer).

I used to drool over the 2496, but then with my musical talents having been
tested & found wanting some, (the school band needed a double b-flat player
54 years ago, so guess who got volunteered, besides, the double b-flat and
I sing in the same key) so I settled on this Audigy2 Value, which
considering its cost of about 70 bucks at the time, is an amazingly capable
card, 24 bit it claims & unlike the 16 bit soundblaster, is a lot harder to
run out of headroom with.

Cheers, Gene

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Received on Sat Dec 17 12:15:02 2011

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