Re: [LAU] newbie problems with FST

From: Csillag Kristof <csillag.kristof@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Dec 18 2011 - 23:24:00 EET

2011-12-18 15:06 keltezéssel, Robin Gareus írta:

> Do you use official JACK from debian, or did you compile it yourself?
I am using the official jack2 packages from debian.

> It smells a bit like you have two different installations of libjack on
> your machine and the one used by wine is not connecting to the JACK
> server running on the linux host. Maybe because of a configuration
> conflict (libdir, shmem-path) between libjack.dll and ?.

The problem is this:

- I am using the 64-bit JACK2 packages from debian.
- FST is linked with the 32-bit version of libjack, which comes from the
official ia32-libs package of Debian - which only contains JACK1.
   This is a known Debian bug:
   (Basically, all 32-bit JACK applications are broken if I use JACK2.)

(By the way, Filipe Lopes, the author of Festige has pointed out this
problem in a private mail to me.)

I will try to fix this now.

> Can native windows+JACK apps running under wine connect to JACK?
What windows+jack apps do you mean?

I have tried WineASIO, but I could not get it to work yet. (I think it's
also linked to the 32-bit version of libjack, so I suspect the the same
bug is killing it, too.)

> You could try or
I might check them later.

Thank you for your help:


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Received on Mon Dec 19 00:15:02 2011

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