Re: [LAU] kontakt 5 - finally, I am hearing something...

From: Al Thompson <althompson58@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Dec 21 2011 - 18:00:32 EET

On 12/19/2011 09:09 PM, Brett McCoy wrote:
>> The only free Kontact player I've found only runs for 15 minutes after
>> installation. (NOT 15 minutes of run time, but 15 minutes which start
>> the minute you install it!!)
> You must be running the demo or the player with unlicensed content.
> The Kontakt player can only play libraries licensed for the player,
> else it goes into demo mode. You need the full app for loading any
> random samples or libraries for editing.

Actually, I think it was a demo. It was the only one I found on the NI
site, and only played the demo sample library, which was really limited.

I had only tried it because I've had virtually no luck getting
Linuxsampler working in Windows. It requires the ASIO drivers, and the
only one of those I have is a free one called something like ASIO4ALL or
something equally silly, and it kind of works, but has HORRIBLE latency
and takes a ton of CPU when it's loaded.

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Received on Wed Dec 21 20:15:03 2011

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