On Feb 5, 2012 5:12 PM, "thijs van severen" <thijsvanseveren@email-addr-hidden>
> MHO :
> - vocals are good, indeed they could do with some extra punch (or maybe
it's the guitars that sound 'too heavy' when compared to all the rest, not
just the vocals)
> - the guitar is quite nice : both soundwise and the rifs
> - bass sounds very muffled, it needs definition and punch. also i think
it just a bit too much that the bass keeps following the kick. might be
nice in the intro, but i would go with a continuous bass line after the
Thanks. I eq'd the top end off the bass as it seemed to be making the mid
range too cluttered. Maybe keeping the bassline in the lower register would
be better.
I'm not too sure what you mean about the bassline following the kick tho.
It is mostly on the off beats but perhaps it's too cluttered? Were you
thinking more of a melodic bassline or driving root-notes? Or something
else? I struggled coming up with something interesting for this song as it
is pretty fast.
Re the drums: yes they definitely need work. Ive never played the drums and
coming up with realistic interesting parts is quite difficult. Any
suggestions on how to work on this?
> - i second Erik's opinion about the drum in the chorus : '4 to the floor'
always works
> - drums : i'm hearing almost no cymbals, except for a finy crash
somewhere in the middle
> Grtz
> Thijs
> 2012/2/4 Erik de Castro Lopo <mle+la@email-addr-hidden-nerd.com>
>> James Stone wrote:
>> > Gathering by the short shrift the last piece of Indie pop received
>> > that was aired here,
>> Oh, sorry, I missed it. Where?
>> > It's a demo for the band I play in at the moment ("River Fury"), and
>> > still in the process of polishing/improving.
>> THis is definitely the kind of stuff I listen to.
>> > Anyway, enough waffling. The link is here:
>> >
>> > http://www.box.com/s/rrcvn668gqfq0t1mqc12
>> Nice snappy drum sound at the start, great guitar sounds, vocals
>> sound really good. This is a great piece. My only slight criticisms
>> are for the composition. The piece rocks along at one constant
>> intensity level and it would be nice if the intensiy varied a bit
>> more between the verse and the chorus, or even just dropping in a
>> middle eight [0]. The other thing is the song's melody has a very
>> square, 4/4, on the beat rythm and it would be nice if there was
>> a little syncopatiom to the melody. Something that can be really
>> effective is straight beats in the verse and syncopation in the
>> chrous.
>> Cheers,
>> Erik
>> [0] I really love the way bands like The Pixies and Nirvana (think
>> Lithium) do the soft verse and loud chorus, but it doesn't have
>> to be anywhere near that extreme.
>> --
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Erik de Castro Lopo
>> http://www.mega-nerd.com/
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