On 07/02/12 11:22, Harry van Haaren wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 12:15 AM, Paul Davis <paul@email-addr-hidden
> <mailto:paul@email-addr-hidden>> wrote:
> did you watch the videos?
> Nope :)
> But I did just now: Sure its cool stuff, but is this going to be the
> next stuff played on radio?
Does this matter?
> Is this what society thinks is "good" and "creative" expression?
Does this matter?
> Perhaps I'm going a bit OT, but I personally just
> don't relate with trying to make music using a tool that's so
> unpredictable. And when the composer / user can't reliably use a tool I
> feel that something gets lost, because the situation isn't progressing
> towards where the composer intends.
I don't get the impression from those videos that the tools are
unpredictable, but if they are, it's down to the software, not the
hardware, so I think it's a bit early to be writing off an entire
category of input devices based solely on demo videos for a couple of apps.
There are a lot of things you can do with a touch screen, and the iPad 2
has enough processing power to do some really interesting synthesis,
too. With the ability to connect MIDI and audio interfaces to it, I
think it has a lot of interesting possibilities, especially for live use.
> It boils down to this: is <x> a better interface to create music? (Or an
> interface to create better music..?)
Better? Who knows, but different and interesting, certainly. It's not
something that everyone is going to have a use for, and I'm no fan of
the iPad in particular -- I wish that Android was capable of the same
things -- but I'm still really excited to see what people will come up with.
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Received on Tue Feb 7 04:15:04 2012
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