Hi Julien, thanks a lot - but i still can't get it to work.
Tried this:
jack_disconnect "Pure Data:Pure Data Midi-Out 1" "Hammerfall DSP:HDSP
and even:
jack_disconnect "129:Pure Data:1:Pure Data Midi-Out 1" "20:Hammerfall
but no joy.
In qjackctl under the ALSA tab, these client / port pairs show up as
(not including the forward slash):
129:Pure Data / 1:Pure Data Midi-Out 1
20:Hammerfall DSP / 0:HDSP MIDI 1
The client/port pairs don't show up with: jack_lsp -c
This seems to show only audio connections. How are you determining the
client/port names? Via qjackctl?
Em Seg, 2012-02-20 às 10:19 +0100, Julien Claassen escreveu:
> Hi Iain!
> Easy: I just double quote them:
> jack_disconnect "MPlayer [27685]:out_0" system:playback_1
> The shellneeds to recognise, that this is only one argument instead of two
> arguments. I don't know, if escaping them with backslashes might work, but I
> think not in this case. It's what the shell would usually do for filenames.
> Happy (dis)connectivity
> Julien
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> Such Is Life: Very Intensely Adorable;
> Free And Jubilating Amazement Revels, Dancing On - FLOWERS!
> ====== Find my music at ======
> http://juliencoder.de/nama/music.html
> .....................................
> "If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day,
> so I never have to live without you." (Winnie the Pooh)
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