Yosef Werner:
> Hi all,
> for testing reasons I've installed Arch-Linux on a second HD with
> 5400 rpm.
> The recording and production is on the first HD with 7200 rpm,
> openSuSE
> 10.2 and kernel-rt. After some work with Arch-Linux it seems that it
> could
> be the next platform for the DAW. My question is if a HD-7200 rpm is
> also
> necessary for the system to prevent x-runs? For sure, the HD-7200 rpm
> is
> mounted for recording.
Unless your 5400 rpm hard drive is too slow, there shouldn't be any
not to use it. 5400 vs 7200 was something you had to worry about
in 1995, not now.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Mon Feb 20 20:15:03 2012
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