From: "J. Liles" <malnourite@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2012 04:51:00 -0800
> Here's another video, this one demonstrating the fact that NSM can
> manage a single session with clients spread across multiple machines
> (nsmd must be running on each system).
> I forgot to show that when you add a client via the GUI, it asks you
> which server to start it on. Otherwise, the behavior is identical to
> having a session on a single machine. If you just start up an NSM
> capable client on any of the machines participating in the session
> (with the appropriate environment variable set), then that client will
> join the session as normal.
> This distributed session feature is just a natural consequence of the
> architecture of NSM and doesn't add any complexity to either the
> client or server implementation (just a small amount to the session
> manager GUI).
> I'm getting pretty close to doing the release, but I still have a lot
> of documentation to write and update for the user interface changes.
the more i hear about this, the more it looks like a really major breakthrough in the usability of the entire linux audio "ecosystem". exciting!
thanks very much, jonathon... i eagerly await the release!
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Received on Thu Feb 23 16:15:02 2012
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