Le 25/02/2012 08:42, Dragan Noveski a écrit :
> On 25.02.2012 08:30, Aaron L. wrote:
>> I'm sure I'll regret sending this as I'll find the solution
>> immediately after sending it.
>> But let's say I don't.
>> How does one zoom-in vertically?
>> Thanks!
> hallo,
> either you use menu->track->height...
> or you grab the downside of the track header with the mouse and pull it
> up so it becomes larger.
> hope it helps?
> cheers,
> doc
quicker if you use shift + scroll mouse, the mouse pointer should be
over the track you like to zoom in/out. control + scroll is to (un)zoom
in the other dimension.
For other shortcuts, you may like to type Alt+K...
Have fun !
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Received on Sat Feb 25 12:15:02 2012
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