> Message: 8
> Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2012 14:14:40 +0100
> From: Fr?d?ric Rech <f.rech@email-addr-hidden>
> Subject: [LAU] OT : Linux have to be a part of changing the world [WAS
> : Linux 3.2.0-rt Kernels on Debian Repos!]
> To: linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden
> Message-ID: <4F48DEC0.5070208@email-addr-hidden>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15; format=flowed
> Le 25/02/2012 13:58, Ralf Mardorf a ?crit :
> >
> > PS: Some people are willing to help unpaid for social projects. They
> > contribute by giving e.g. medical help to children in the Third World.
> > It would be nice if they don't need to use Apple or Microsoft, but
> > instead could use a Linux that works OOTB. They don't contribute by
> > maintaining Linux, they don't have knowledge how to maintain a tool such
> > as a computer, but they contribute to the human race.
> >
> > Everything that goes around, comes around ;).
> >
> > It's narrow-minded to limit the cycle to Linux only.
> >
> > :p
> Hi Ralf,
> I 100% agree with your willing of a free OS for free people.
> Thought Debian Stable was this universal OS.
> Is it not true ?
Hi Fred :)
this issue doesn't touch Debian stable. It starts with Debian testing
and is continued with Debian derivatives such as Ubuntu and Mint.
> Have almost follow the exchange between Hermann and you, and the point
> seems to be the Nvidia driver ? Are you sure than NGOs use this kind of
> (expensive and 3D-gamer) material on their equipments ?
> Cheers,
> Fred
> Message: 15
> Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2012 21:35:44 +0200
> From: David Baron <d_baron@email-addr-hidden>
> Subject: Re: [LAU] Linux 3.2.0-rt Kernels on Debian Repos!
> To: linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden
> Message-ID: <201202252135.45022.d_baron@email-addr-hidden>
> Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> > [spinymouse@email-addr-hidden ~]$ cat /etc/rc.d/69switch_xorg.conf
> > #! /bin/sh
> > # /etc/rcS.d/Switch_xorg_conf
> >
> > rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf
> > case $(uname -r) in
> > *rt*)
> > cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.nv /etc/X11/xorg.conf
> > ;;
> > *)
> > cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.nvidia /etc/X11/xorg.conf
> > ;;
> > esac
> >
> Will this run BEFORE nvidia is expected (well before any attempt to start
> xorg!) ?
Yes, the xorg.conf is switched at startup. For Debian and Debian
derivatives take care about the lexical order in rcS.d
For Arch Linux the order when it gets started is settled
in /etc/rc.conf.
spinymouse@email-addr-hidden:~$ ls /media/maverick/etc/rcS.d
README S13pcmciautils S25brltty S37apparmor S47lm-sensors
S55urandom S69switch_xorg.conf S70x11-common
spinymouse@email-addr-hidden:~$ grep DAEMONS /mnt/archlinux/etc/rc.conf
DAEMONS=(69switch_xorg.conf hwclock syslog-ng !network !netfs crond
acpid dbus networkmanager rtirq)
> May need more here: Nouveau, in any event, is blacklisted in the modules.d
> because of the above requirement--the driver or some pre-load of it gets
> modprobed early in the bootup sequence. I have not seen or heard from nv in
> ages--maybe it does not have this blacklisting idea.
> So in toggling Nouveau, I need to copy or remove the blacklist file as well--a
> one-liner in each ). It would be nice to be able to have one xorg.conf take
> care of this but the above script is not at all bad. Thanks for the idea.
> BTW. I like Nouveau, had no problems with it. Inserts a small but readable
> console font (instead of nvidia's awful messup) and the desktop looks nice
> (allbeit maybe everything a bit smaller than using nvidia). What I miss with
> Nouveau is hw acceleration. For many lau apps, this could be a showstopper.
> For other retro-fans, one other 3.2-rt problem I encountered was the failure
> of snd-mpu401 to modprobe with "no such device." I use it to drive an old
> Yamaha sw60xg sound generator ISA card. Oldie but goodie---don't ask how I
> manage to still have ISA!
:D You own a super expensive board for industry?
> ------------------------------
> Message: 16
> Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2012 10:14:27 -1000
> From: david <gnome@email-addr-hidden>
> Subject: Re: [LAU] Linux 3.2.0-rt Kernels on Debian Repos!
> To: linux-audio-user <linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden>
> Message-ID: <4F494123.1050907@email-addr-hidden>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> On 02/25/2012 12:40 AM, Robin Gareus wrote:
> > On 02/25/2012 07:05 AM, david wrote:
> >> On 02/24/2012 10:18 AM, hermann wrote:
> >>> Am Freitag, den 24.02.2012, 09:35 -1000 schrieb david:
> >>>> I do. They should just keep up the NV drivers that DO work until the
> >>>> Nouveau drivers also work AND SUPPORT THE SAME HARDWARE, instead of
> >>>> dropping NV completely.
> >>>
> >>> You are free to download the source here :
> >>> http://packages.debian.org/squeeze/xserver-xorg-video-nv
> >>>
> >>> and patch it to make it work on debian/sid.
> >>> Then, you gone be a part of "They" ;-)
> >>
> >> Nice fantasy. I used to be able to read C++ code, but that was long ago.
> >>
> >> I think the real problem is that like a few other Linux communities (and
> >> Mac OS X and Windows), Debian doesn't listen to users.
> >
> > I've made quite the opposite experience; most if not all
> > Debian-maintainers that I - either as user or developer - have
> > communicated with are very open and responsive to feedback.
> I contacted one of the Nouveau guys, told him it didn't work. He asked
> where was the bug report. Well, here's my "bug" report: have Nouveau
> support every bit of hardware that NV does.
GeForce 7200 GS does work for a while in slow motion performance mode,
but after some minutes of using KDE4 with 3D crap, I need to use the
reset button. I got such a setup for a vanilla install of Mint Lisa KDE
> --
> David
> gnome@email-addr-hidden
> authenticity, honesty, community
> Message: 18
> Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2012 10:42:31 -1000
> From: david <gnome@email-addr-hidden>
> Subject: Re: [LAU] Linux 3.2.0-rt Kernels on Debian Repos!
> To: linux-audio-user <linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden>
> Message-ID: <4F4947B7.6050600@email-addr-hidden>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
> On 02/25/2012 02:44 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> > On Sat, 2012-02-25 at 12:00 +0000,
> > linux-audio-user-request@email-addr-hidden wrote:
> >> what did you suspect here ?
> >> Users are always welcome to give feedback, suggestions, or at least,
> >> become a part of the project. That is what FLOSS is about. FLOSS isn't
> >> about to present you a OS on a silver tablet, FLOSS will always force
> >> you to make it work. It is community based. If you didn't help, the
> >> community get a bit smaller, and a piece of work fail.
> >>
> >> what did you think why a developer develop Free Open Software ?
> >> And what did you think why a debian maintainer do what he do ?
> >> Do you believe they do it to suite there ego's ?
> >
> > I started the translation of Qtractor a month ago and due to issues such
> > as pulseaudio and the dropped nv driver (and some other issues) I can't
> > contribute, continue translating, but just fix issues, hence my only
> > contribution could be to set up machines for users who are willing to
> > learn, but are unable to learn all things at the same time, for their
> > first Linux install. At least distros shouldn't do a default install
> > with 3D effects enabled DEs and than install the nouveau driver by
> > default if a NVIDIA graphics was detected. A 2D desktop and the vesa
> > driver would allow beginners to get their first install working OOTB and
> > to learn how to maintain their own machine. Btw. some distros don't
> > install bryltty by default. Nowadays only 3D DEs count.
> Yah, 3D DE stroke developer egos more. That's why I dropped KDE in favor
> of XFCE. If I wanted an OS where I had to by new hardware everytime a
> new release came out, I'd have bought Windows.
Hahaha, I dropped GNOME3 on my machine, use Xfce now, but tried to give
KDE4 a chance. A KDE session for Mint Lisa won't start anymore, since I
installed the proprietary driver and Xfce on Mint Lisa comes with mouse
cursors from KDE, the selected mouse cursors for Xfce are ignored.
Ubuntus Studio Oneiric and Arch Linux are running Xfce only. Suse 11.2
and Edubuntu Maverick still run GNOME2.
- Ralf
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sun Feb 26 08:15:01 2012
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