On 25.02.2012 21:17, Aaron L. wrote:
> Fred, your solution was indeed the ticket. Thanks.
> For those playing at home, however.........
> Doc said:
> either you use menu->track->height...
> or you grab the downside of the track header with the mouse and
> pull it
> up so it becomes larger.
> And I wasn't able to figure out either of these.
> Where is this 'menu->track->height' option?
i am speaking about the main menu...
> Also, grabbing the "downside" of the track header didn't seem to
> work. I'm willing to bet that I'm either misunderstanding what
> "downside" or "track header" means (or both at the same time) though.
in a2 there are 3 small lines in the track header where you can grab and
enlarge the track.
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