On 02/28/2012 03:33 PM, alexander wrote:
>>> There's a separate note for hat pedal (I think it's G#1) -- when you hit
>>> that it'll mute any playing non-pedal hat sounds.
>>> Thanks
>>> Leigh
>> Thank you. Bb2 -> Ab2 does the trick. There's still some reverb but
>> that's probably OK and will blend into the mix.
>> robin
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> You should use the semi-open hats instead, they're located on the same
> key as the closed eg, Gb2, only you gradually open the hihat with
> sustain messages. All bellow 2 is closed and gradually moves up to 127,
> there are 7 semi open layers.. in the preview I only use those and no
> open hihat sample, The result is much better! remember to play around
> with velocity too!
Wow, this just gets better! ..and you even mention than on your
website. Well, thanks for explaining.
FWIW. It took me 5 mins to figure out how to do that with seq24.
for reference: /sustain/ corresponds to the
[0xB0] Control Change - 64 Hold Pedal (on/off)
Event message.
However, the sustain value is not dynamic. I can choose the "openness"
of the hi-hat on attack, but changing the value after it has been hit
does not make a difference. But no problem. I managed to get the desired
effect by choosing a suitable sustain (here: 50) for open-hi-hathit and
zero sustain for the follow-up closed (8th notes @ 120bpm, volume 86,
102 respectively). Cool.
May I ask what sequencer you've used to create the "IT NEEDS MORE
COWBELL!" / test13 demo on your website? It's very well done.
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