On 03/08/2012 01:20 AM, Nils wrote:
> Laborejo, Esperanto for "Workshop", is used to craft music through notation.
> It is a Lilypond GUI frontend, a MIDI creator and finally a tool collection to inspire and help you compose.
> It works by reducing music-redundancy and by seperating layout and data. Don't worry about the layout, just concentrate on the music.
> Screenshot (Laborejo and Lilypond, side by side): http://www.laborejo.org/images/screenshots/2012-01-31-223820_3840x1080_scrot.png
> This is the first release, version number 0.1
> Download: https://github.com/nilsgey/Laborejo/tarball/0.1
> Dependencies: http://www.laborejo.org/documentation
> There are too many features to mention them all and too many missing features and bugs to warn you. Most important known problems:
> * This is Alpha Grade Software. Don't use for long-term work. However, the produced midis and PDFs will last forever.
> * Performance can get bad very quickly if you use Containers.
> * There is no built-in sophisticated midi player/jack midi output yet. You have to export midi files.
> * Documentation is nearly non-existent.
> Have fun, it would be nice to hear from you!
> Nils
> http://www.laborejo.org
> (All kinds of crazy social web services are linked there!)
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I seriously encourage people to try thisone out! for me it's the only
notation editor that hasn't immediatly made me grunting and blaspheming.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Fri Mar 9 16:15:02 2012
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