Re: [LAU] aj-snapshot daemon

From: Jari Suominen <jari.ak.suominen@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Mar 12 2012 - 21:23:44 EET

12. maaliskuuta 2012 19.39 Jeremy en Eva <autostatic@email-addr-hidden> kirjoitti:
> It does work, I've played around with it. But I stopped using it because
> whenever I made any new connections while the daemon was running the daemon
> would restore the connections as they are stored in the xml file. To use it
> with Yoshimi you need a2jmidid from git and run it with the -u option
> otherwise aj-snapshot can't restore the connections because of changing port
> ID's.

Hello! You have any suggestion how you would like aj-snapshot to work?
I think this sounds like an interesting use case.

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Received on Mon Mar 12 20:15:04 2012

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