Re: [LAU] A netbook which is good for Linux Audio

From: Jari Suominen <jari.ak.suominen@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Mar 13 2012 - 22:32:23 EET

13. maaliskuuta 2012 20.02 mark hadman <markhadman@email-addr-hidden> kirjoitti:
> I gigged with an eee 701 (running pure:dyne) for a while, now i use a
> 901 running Arch Linux. They're not the most solidly built machines
> (especially the 701), but the soundcard is excellent and they're cheap
> enough on ebay that I really ought to carry a spare.

One vote for EEE. My 701 has survived tens and tens of shows with no
problem. Audio out is good enough for live sound, but on input
channels there is something weird going on. So if you need those, then
would think twice or maybe I have bad one. Have mostly used some LXDE
Ubuntu although now I have a command line only install on it as I can
hear sound without seeing what is going on.
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Received on Wed Mar 14 00:15:01 2012

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