Re: [LAU] Simple hardware & software for digitizing analog audio recordings

From: Adam <adam707@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Mar 20 2012 - 01:13:05 EET

Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> Useful audio cards must not be expensive. A replacement for onboard crap
> does cost less than 50€/$ and it's able to replace some stereo.

Thanks, Ralf! I suppose the motherboard manufacturers use the
cheapest they can get away with, to keep the price down. As you say,
fortunately it's easy and relatively inexpensive to replace that
with something better.

> For producing music IMO it's better to spend some more money, if
> possible.

I agree there, but in my case I knew I'd just be digitizing existing

> Regarding to your stereo, there are many components that "make" the
> sound. For turntables it's not only the cartridge, but also the
> pre-amp's equalization.

I know! I'm aware my cartridge, turntable, preamp, and the rest of
the system aren't high end, but I tried to buy all components of
about the same quality. If I were to hook up, for example,
outstanding speakers to it, they'd probably show the flaws of the
other components.


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Received on Tue Mar 20 00:15:03 2012

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