On Thursday 22 March 2012 14:53:36 alexander wrote:
> Simple question, When recording IR's with a transient (popping balloon)
> Do I need to run it through some post processing like you have to with a
> sweep? or do you just cut the beginning and use it as is?
Use as is. It is already the response to an almost perfect delta-peak.
If you really know the popping sound of your ballon, you could deconvolve that
to get the response to a real delta-peak.
But when you record two signals, one far away and one near the
ballon/gun/wood-blocks and then use the nearer signal for deconvolution, you
will probably also eliminate the early-reflections. Of course if its only the
long tail you are after...
Another note: When you do not cut the inital peak, you won't have to decide on
the level of the IR compared to the dry signal. Because then your IR'ed signal
is original (as it sounds through a popping balloon) and reflections.
Have fun,
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