Re: [LAU] More stuff from the vaults, PHASEX and AMS insanity

From: Julien Claassen <julien@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Mar 26 2012 - 11:51:57 EEST

Hi Ken!
   Hm, Ican't say, I dislike it. It's a little strange, but I've heard much
worse for the ears. Somehow, this is still rather pleasant. I had the mad
image of a few painters sitting in their studio after work, having a drink or
five and listening to this. :-) I an't say, if this is a praise for painters
or an insult. :-) It's almost prog or fusion in my ears. It won't be something
I can listen to everyday, but certainly something for the right time, which
happens more often than one can imagine. :-)
   Thanks for sharing this!
   Warm regards

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Received on Mon Mar 26 12:15:02 2012

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