Re: [LAU] RME Multiface MIDI control

From: Michał Koziarski <koshimazaki@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Mar 29 2012 - 15:11:08 EEST

On Wed, Mar 28, 2012, at 21:33, Giso Grimm wrote:
> On 03/27/2012 02:42 PM, Michał Koziarski wrote:
> > I'm trying to source a used Multiface 1 to use with HDSPe ExpressCard.
> > The manual for the Multiface says that some functions can be contolled
> > using any MIDI controller by sending appropriate note on/off messages.
> > I'd like to be able to select mixer presets on the Multiface with some
> > small box with buttons.
> >
> > Does anyone know if this MIDI control works/can be set up on Linux?
> > Anyone knows whether this control works entirely in hardware or needs
> > software involvement to receive MIDI and control the dsp mixer?
> Hi Michał,
> the MIDI control of the HDSP mixer is only a software control (at least
> in those cards I know: Multiface I, II, hdsp9632, hdsp9652); it is not
> available through the "hdspmixer" software on Linux.
> Workarounds can be to use tools like mididings and amixer to set up the
> matrix gains on given program changes.
> Giso
> (btw, I will release a collection of tools for a Linux audio concert
> performance within the next days, which contains mididings
> configurations for almost exactly what you need, and also a MIDI CC
> controllable matrix mixer for the hdsp cards).

Hi Giso,

many thanks for this info, I was getting that feeling from reading the
manual and how it talks about the option to disable MIDI control when
the Totalmix application is minimized.

I suppose that means one could implement a custom solution for
controlling the mixer without being limited by RME's own offering which
only allows advanced control features with Mackie control protocol
compatible devices.

Which might actually be what you've done already? I'd be very interested
in trying out the tools you mention when I get my interface.

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Received on Thu Mar 29 16:15:03 2012

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