Re: [LAU] Open Audio Programming Tutorials

From: Bearcat M. Şandor <>
Date: Fri May 04 2012 - 21:38:05 EEST

On Fri, May 04, 2012 at 06:07:16PM +0100 Harry van Haaren wrote:
>Hey All,
>After some very inspiring conversations at the LAC, I have decided to renew
>the efforts to document linux audio programming for beginners. I feel that
>although there's a lot of really useful tutorials out there, but there's
>still a lack of easy accessible introductory audio programming.
>Particularly topics such as threading, and thread synchronization are
>particularly difficult to learn, or even find relevant, easy to read code
>Announcing: Open Audio Programming Tutorials!
>This is a documentation effort, not of any particular library or tool, just
>"Linux Audio Programming" in general. Feel free to check the code posted,
>feedback on it, fork it and send me merge requests, whatever :)
>Currently there's 6 different tutorials, all C++ with GTKmm for user
>interfaces. Intentions are to add more as time permits!
>PS: Sending to Linux-Audio-User list in case there's people who want to try
>start programming, but haven't subscribed to the Linux-Audio-Developers
>list (yet). Replies to Linux-Audio-Developers please :)

Thanks for your work Harry! I will be taking these tutorials.

Bearcat M. Şandor
Feline Soul Systems
Cell: 406.210.3500
Fax: 855.861.6282
MSN: bearcatsandor@email-addr-hidden
Yahoo: bearcatsandor
AIM: bearcatmsandor
My public pgp key is attached for verification of my identity

Linux-audio-user mailing list

Received on Sat May 5 04:15:07 2012

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